Elevated Work Platform (EWP)

TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) & RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform

This unit of competency covers the functions required to prepare and operate an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) to meet minimum training and assessment standards for the purposes of certification for High-Risk work. As part of the program you will meet the criteria to obtain both units of competency being:


Location188 East Street, Rockhampton or Location by request

Course Schedule3 days

Delivery ModeFace to Face

Course Times7:54am - 4:00pm

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of this training course, candidates will be issued with a Nationally Recognised statement of attainment for the below listed units of competency.  For the High Risk National License Training TLILIC0005 candidates will receive their statement of attainment and Assessment Summary. The student must then make application for their High Risk License via Work Health & Safety Queensland using your Statement of Attainment and Assessment Summary and make application.

The submission for the HR License is processed via Work Health & Safety Queensland and additional fees will apply upon application.

Units of Competencies

  • TLILIC0005 License to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)
  • RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform

To access a copy of the training package, please visit www.training.gov.au

Please note course sizes are caped to ensure sufficient time is offered to each participant. If you feel you need more time or your trainer advises more time is needed NHST will happily make arrangements to suit your training needs.

(**Please note you can choose not to sit the RIIHAN301E competency (please let our Enrolment Team know if you wish to complete the TLICIC0005 only)

Upcoming Course Offers

Name Date Time Available Spaces Cost
EWP High Risk 3 Day Program - TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) 3 - 5 February 2025 07:45 am - 04:30 pm 0 $795.00
EWP High Risk 3 Day Program - TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) 10 - 12 February 2025 07:45 am - 04:30 pm 0 $795.00
EWP High Risk 3 Day Program - TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) 24 - 26 February 2025 07:45 am - 04:30 pm 5 $795.00
EWP High Risk 3 Day Program - TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) 10 - 12 March 2025 07:45 am - 04:30 pm 6 $795.00
EWP High Risk 3 Day Program - TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) 24 - 26 March 2025 07:45 am - 04:30 pm 5 $795.00

Course Topics
The topics covered throughout this training course are as follows:

  • Planning the work for the prevailing working conditions
  • Using the controls and operating systems to manage the operation of the equipment
  • Locating the load and identifying the load characteristics
  • Safely moving the load
  • Monitoring the controls
  • Stopping, shutting down and securing the equipment after the completion of operation

Getting Your Qualification
The basic procedure requires you to undertake:

Option 1:
Full three (3) Day Course
* Theory training
* Supervised practical training – logbook hours (supervision will be provided by our licensed operator)
* Theory Assessments (this can only be attempted if the instructor has deemed you competent, a challenge test will be conducted to determine if you are ready for assessment) There is a total of 3 Assessments in this program.

Option 2: 

Initial start-up training by NHST – 1 Day (you will then receive a log book to take back to the workplace) – Monday

Supervised hours (under a licensed operator) operating the machine. These hours must be documented into an official Log Book that will be issued by your NHST trainer/instructor. You will have 6 months to log hours and return for the final assessment.

Final assessment – 1 day:  will be conducted once your log book requirements have been finished and you have been deemed competent by your work supervisor.

About Log Books (For Option 2)

After the 1 day initial training, your instructor will issue you with a log book that will include a set number of tasks that you will need to perform under the supervision of a licensed forklift operator. The logbook requirements can be undertaken in your workplace or any place where a elevating work platform is available providing supervision is also available.
On successful completion of the course you will receive a Workplace Health & Safety High Risk National Licence (after your application has been processed by WHSQ) or in the case of a Black Coal mining qualification, a Statement of Attainment that is a nationally recognised for this machine.

**please note where a student may not be ready for assessment we will implement a training plan whereby NHST will develop a personalized training strategy. This may mean additional days and study time is required.

Course Pre-Requisites

  • Must be over the age of 18 to complete a National High Risk Assessment Program
  • Photo identification and 100 points of ID must be provided on the day your program commences (please call us to discuss acceptable identification options) preferred evidence collected is Drivers Licence or Passport and Medicare and Bank card (must have your full name on card)
  • Be able to read and write English (A LLN assessment tool is available where students can not affirm LLN to the level required)

Dress Requirements / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is the responsibility of course participants to acquire their own safety and protective clothing which includes:

  • Hi-Visibility Shirt
  • Long Pants
  • Steel Cap Safety Boots

No entry to the NHST training facility unless mandatory PPE is worn by the participants. Failure to comply will result in a forfeit of fees paid.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

This training program requires reading, writing and numeracy skills to a Level 2 of the framework.
Prior to enrolling please contact New Horizons Safety and Training Services to discuss our support services if required.
Participants will be required to answer the short LLN assessment in the enrolment form to enable us to evaluate your LLN level.

Please note for High Risk courses, WHS mandate assessment and all questions must be attempted independently and without assistance. All calculations must be completed via written response only. Please talk to our friendly staff if this is a concern for you. 

If you require the assessment to be delivered verbally, you will need to discuss this with our friendly staff and we can make arrangements.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

It is a requirement of the Australian Skills and Qualification Authority (ASQA) that students be made aware of their rights and responsibilities prior to enrolling into any of our training courses at New Horizons Safety and Training Services.
Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Participant Information Handbook.

Learners will be required to provide their Unique Student Identifier prior to the commencement of the course (usi.gov.au to register)

Recognised Prior Learning 

If you feel you have the required skills, past experience or qualifications that should be recognised as part of this program, then please mention this to our friendly staff to discuss your options

Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for units/qualifications that can be identified as equivalent in content. Please discuss this option upon enrolment if you feel your learning outcome can be matched with a current unit or qualification you may already hold.

Study Pathways 

Further study pathways for participants whom have successfully completed the High Risk Elevated Work Platform course with New Horizons, include RIIWHS204D Working Safely at Heights, and depending on the industry in which they are interested, the White Card or Generic Induction (S11) may be required.

This information is a generic recommendation of related study options, if you are unsure of your training requirements, please contact your potential or current employer. For further information, or advice, please contact our friendly staff on 07 4927 0666 or via email at admin@nhst.com.au.

Option 1

$795.00 –    3 day program

Option 2

$400.00 –   Start-up

$400.00 – Final Assessment

Payment Options
1. Credit Card/Cash/EFT/Direct Debit

Please note payment in full is required on enrolment for this program. This amount will not be refunded where the participant does to attend the program or fails to give more than 2 working days notice. If you wish to change dates, you will need to give sufficient notice or money will not be reallocated to a new date.  Please read our terms and conditions and participant handbook before enrolling.

Request a call back

Get in touch

188 East Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700
PO Box 9938, Frenchville Qld 4701

Ph: (07) 4927 0666 | Fax: (07) 4927 0699

RTO Services

Provider of Nationally Recognised Training and RTO Services. Specialising in training courses for the mining & construction industries. RTO No. 31372